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C++ Object Relational Mapping library
Root namespace for all QxOrm library features. More...
Namespaces | |
namespace | cache |
Provide basic thread-safe cache feature to backup and restore any kind of objects (for example, object fetched from database) | |
namespace | cvt |
Provide global functions to convert any kind of objects to/from QString and QVariant format. | |
namespace | dao |
Database communication used by persistence engine (ORM - Object Relational Mapping) | |
namespace | foreach |
Foreach-style (based on BOOST_FOREACH macro) to iterate over all stl, boost and Qt containers + qx::QxCollection<Key, Value> QxOrm library container. | |
namespace | function |
Register function into QxOrm context used by introspection engine. | |
namespace | memory |
QxOrm library memory leak detection (by Wu Yongwei) | |
namespace | model_view |
namespace | serialization |
QxOrm library serialization engine based on boost::serialization library. | |
namespace | service |
QxOrm library services engine to provide easy and powerful way to create C++ application server (to transfer data over network) | |
namespace | trait |
QxOrm library traits (template metaprogramming) not available in boost::type_traits library. | |
namespace | validator |
Classes | |
class | IxCollection |
qx::IxCollection : common interface for all QxOrm containers qx::QxCollection<Key, Value> More... | |
class | QxCollection |
qx::QxCollection<Key, Value> : QxOrm thread-safe container (keep insertion order + quick access by index + quick access by key) More... | |
class | QxCollectionIterator |
qx::QxCollectionIterator : Java-style iterator to iterate over a qx::QxCollection<Key, Value> container More... | |
class | any |
struct | bad_any_cast |
struct | any_cast_dynamic |
struct | any_cast_dynamic< T * > |
struct | any_cast_dynamic< boost::shared_ptr< T > > |
struct | any_cast_dynamic< QSharedPointer< T > > |
struct | any_cast_dynamic< qx::dao::ptr< T > > |
struct | any_cast_dynamic< std::shared_ptr< T > > |
class | QxBool |
qx_bool : boolean type with code and description message when an error occured More... | |
class | exception |
qx::exception : exception with error code and error description More... | |
class | QxPropertyBag |
qx::QxPropertyBag : used by introspection engine (IxClass, IxDataMember, IxFunction, etc.) to add meta-data (property bag) More... | |
class | QxSimpleCrypt |
Simple encryption and decryption of strings and byte arrays. More... | |
class | IxPersistable |
qx::IxPersistable : common interface (abstract class) for persistents classes using QX_PERSISTABLE_HPP() and QX_PERSISTABLE_CPP() macros More... | |
class | IxPersistableCollection |
qx::IxPersistableCollection : common interface (abstract class) for collection persistent classes based on qx::IxPersistable and qx::IxCollection More... | |
class | QxPersistableCollection |
qx::QxPersistableCollection<Key, Value, T> : concrete class for collection persistent classes based on qx::IxPersistableCollection and qx::QxCollection<Key, Value> More... | |
class | QxPersistableCollectionHelper |
qx::QxPersistableCollectionHelper<T>::type : return the collection type used by qx::IxPersistable interface, qx::QxPersistableCollection<type_primary_key, std::shared_ptr<my_type>> More... | |
class | QxPersistableList |
qx::QxPersistableList<T> : concrete class for list persistent classes based on qx::IxPersistableCollection (as an array instead of key/value hash-map) More... | |
class | IxSqlQueryBuilder |
qx::IxSqlQueryBuilder : common interface to build SQL queries to communicate with database More... | |
class | IxSqlRelation |
qx::IxSqlRelation : common interface for all relationships defined between 2 classes (or between 2 tables in database) More... | |
class | QxDaoAsync |
qx::QxDaoAsync : helper class to execute SQL queries in another thread (asynchronous way) using qx::IxPersistable interface More... | |
class | QxDateNeutral |
qx::QxDateNeutral : helper class to store a date value into database under neutral format (YYYYMMDD) => cross database compatibility More... | |
class | QxDateTimeNeutral |
qx::QxDateTimeNeutral : helper class to store a date-time value into database under neutral format (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) => cross database compatibility More... | |
class | IxRepository |
qx::IxRepository : common interface for all repositories to provide access to database by introspection using QObject class or qx::IxCollection class More... | |
class | QxRepository |
qx::QxRepository<T> : repository to provide a common interface to communicate with database More... | |
class | QxRepositoryX |
qx::QxRepositoryX : list of all repositories registered using qx::register_repository<T> function More... | |
class | QxSession |
qx::QxSession : define a session to manage automatically database transactions (using C++ RAII) More... | |
class | QxSoftDelete |
qx::QxSoftDelete : soft delete (or logical delete) behavior to update a row into database (flag it as deleted) instead of delete it from database More... | |
class | QxSqlDatabase |
qx::QxSqlDatabase : define all parameters to connect to database and retrieve a valid connection by thread (this class is a singleton and is thread-safe) More... | |
class | QxSqlQuery |
qx::QxSqlQuery : define a user SQL query added to default SQL query builded by QxOrm library, and used by qx::dao::xxx functions to filter elements fetched from database More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T with a cache mechanism to backup and restore queries already built by the program More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder_Count |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder_Count<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T to build a COUNT SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder_Exist |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder_Exist<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T to build an EXIST SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder_FetchAll |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder_FetchAll<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T to build a FETCH ALL SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder_FetchById |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder_FetchById<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T to build a FETCH BY ID SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder_Insert |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder_Insert<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T to build an INSERT SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder_Update |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder_Update<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T to build an UPDATE SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder_DeleteAll |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder_DeleteAll<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T to build a DELETE ALL SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder_SoftDeleteAll |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder_SoftDeleteAll<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T to build a SOFT DELETE ALL SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder_DeleteById |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder_DeleteById<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T to build a DELETE BY ID SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder_SoftDeleteById |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder_SoftDeleteById<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T to build a SOFT DELETE BY ID SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder_CreateTable |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder_CreateTable<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T to build a CREATE TABLE SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder_Count_WithRelation |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder_Count_WithRelation<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T to build a COUNT WITH RELATION SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder_FetchAll_WithRelation |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder_FetchAll_WithRelation<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T to build a FETCH ALL WITH RELATION SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlQueryBuilder_FetchById_WithRelation |
qx::QxSqlQueryBuilder_FetchById_WithRelation<T> : concrete SQL query builder for class T to build a FETCH BY ID WITH RELATION SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlRelation |
qx::QxSqlRelation<DataType, Owner> : base class for all relationships defined between 2 classes (or between 2 tables in database) More... | |
class | QxSqlRelation_ManyToMany |
qx::QxSqlRelation_ManyToMany<DataType, Owner> : manage a relationship many-to-many defined between 2 classes (or between 2 tables in database) More... | |
class | QxSqlRelation_ManyToOne |
qx::QxSqlRelation_ManyToOne<DataType, Owner> : manage a relationship many-to-one defined between 2 classes (or between 2 tables in database) More... | |
class | QxSqlRelation_OneToMany |
qx::QxSqlRelation_OneToMany<DataType, Owner> : manage a relationship one-to-many defined between 2 classes (or between 2 tables in database) More... | |
class | QxSqlRelation_OneToOne |
qx::QxSqlRelation_OneToOne<DataType, Owner> : manage a relationship one-to-one defined between 2 classes (or between 2 tables in database) More... | |
class | QxSqlRelationLinked |
qx::QxSqlRelationLinked : hierarchy of relationships to build SQL query More... | |
class | QxSqlRelationParams |
qx::QxSqlRelationParams : define list of parameters to transfer to relationships to manage SQL queries builded by QxOrm library More... | |
class | QxTimeNeutral |
qx::QxTimeNeutral : helper class to store a time value into database under neutral format (HHMMSS) => cross database compatibility More... | |
class | IxDataMember |
qx::IxDataMember : common interface for all class properties registered into QxOrm context More... | |
struct | IxDataMemberSqlCallbackParams |
qx::IxDataMemberSqlCallbackParams : list of parameters used by custom callback functions to override SQL queries generated by QxOrm library More... | |
class | IxDataMemberX |
qx::IxDataMemberX : common interface for a list of IxDataMember class properties registered into QxOrm context (for example, list of data member of a class) More... | |
class | QxDataMember |
qx::QxDataMember<DataType, Owner> : concrete property of type DataType registered into QxOrm context for the class Owner More... | |
class | QxDataMember_PImpl |
qx::QxDataMember_PImpl<DataType, Owner> : concrete property of type DataType registered into QxOrm context for the class Owner (using private implementation idiom) More... | |
class | QxDataMember_PImpl< std::unique_ptr< DataType >, Owner > |
class | QxDataMember_PImpl< std::shared_ptr< DataType >, Owner > |
class | QxDataMember_QObject |
qx::QxDataMember_QObject : connect Qt introspection engine (based on QObject class, with QMetaObject type) to QxOrm library introspection engine More... | |
class | QxDataMemberX |
qx::QxDataMemberX<T> : concrete list of properties registered into QxOrm context for the class T More... | |
class | IxFactory |
qx::IxFactory : common interface for all classes that can be created dynamically using the class name More... | |
class | QxFactory |
qx::QxFactory<T> : concrete factory class to create object of type T dynamically using the class name More... | |
class | QxFactoryX |
qx::QxFactoryX : list of all classes registered with QxOrm library factory pattern to create object instance dynamically using the class name More... | |
class | IxFunction |
qx::IxFunction : common interface for all functions registered into QxOrm context (used by introspection engine) More... | |
class | QxFunction_0 |
qx::QxFunction_0<Owner, R> : concrete function registered into QxOrm context defined into class Owner, returning an object of type R and without parameter More... | |
class | QxFunction_0< void, R > |
class | QxFunction_1 |
qx::QxFunction_1<Owner, R, P1> : concrete function registered into QxOrm context defined into class Owner, returning an object of type R and with 1 parameter P1 More... | |
class | QxFunction_1< void, R, P1 > |
class | QxFunction_2 |
qx::QxFunction_2<Owner, R, P1, P2> : concrete function registered into QxOrm context defined into class Owner, returning an object of type R and with 2 parameters P1, P2 More... | |
class | QxFunction_2< void, R, P1, P2 > |
class | QxFunction_3 |
qx::QxFunction_3<Owner, R, P1, P2, P3> : concrete function registered into QxOrm context defined into class Owner, returning an object of type R and with 3 parameters P1, P2, P3 More... | |
class | QxFunction_3< void, R, P1, P2, P3 > |
class | QxFunction_4 |
qx::QxFunction_4<Owner, R, P1, P2, P3, P4> : concrete function registered into QxOrm context defined into class Owner, returning an object of type R and with 4 parameters P1, P2, P3, P4 More... | |
class | QxFunction_4< void, R, P1, P2, P3, P4 > |
class | QxFunction_5 |
qx::QxFunction_5<Owner, R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5> : concrete function registered into QxOrm context defined into class Owner, returning an object of type R and with 5 parameters P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 More... | |
class | QxFunction_5< void, R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 > |
class | QxFunction_6 |
qx::QxFunction_6<Owner, R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6> : concrete function registered into QxOrm context defined into class Owner, returning an object of type R and with 6 parameters P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 More... | |
class | QxFunction_6< void, R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6 > |
class | QxFunction_7 |
qx::QxFunction_7<Owner, R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7> : concrete function registered into QxOrm context defined into class Owner, returning an object of type R and with 7 parameters P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 More... | |
class | QxFunction_7< void, R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7 > |
class | QxFunction_8 |
qx::QxFunction_8<Owner, R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8> : concrete function registered into QxOrm context defined into class Owner, returning an object of type R and with 8 parameters P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 More... | |
class | QxFunction_8< void, R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8 > |
class | QxFunction_9 |
qx::QxFunction_9<Owner, R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9> : concrete function registered into QxOrm context defined into class Owner, returning an object of type R and with 9 parameters P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 More... | |
class | QxFunction_9< void, R, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9 > |
struct | QxHttpCookie |
qx::QxHttpCookie : HTTP cookie (https://www.qxorm.com/qxorm_en/manual.html#manual_999) More... | |
class | QxHttpRequest |
qx::QxHttpRequest : HTTP request (headers + body) More... | |
class | QxHttpResponse |
qx::QxHttpResponse : HTTP response (headers + body) More... | |
class | QxHttpServer |
qx::QxHttpServer : HTTP server which manages connections in a multi-threaded environment (support SSL/TLS, persistent connection, etc...) : https://www.qxorm.com/qxorm_en/manual.html#manual_96 More... | |
class | QxHttpSession |
qx::QxHttpSession : HTTP session (https://www.qxorm.com/qxorm_en/manual.html#manual_998) More... | |
class | QxHttpSessionManager |
qx::QxHttpSessionManager : HTTP session manager (https://www.qxorm.com/qxorm_en/manual.html#manual_998) More... | |
class | QxHttpTransaction |
qx::QxHttpTransaction : HTTP transaction (contains request from client and reply from server) More... | |
class | IxModel |
qx::IxModel : interface to manage Qt model/view architecture with classes registered into QxOrm context (Qt widgets and/or QML views) More... | |
class | QxModel |
qx::QxModel<T, B> : all classes registered into QxOrm context can be used with Qt model/view architecture (Qt widgets and/or QML views) More... | |
class | QxModelService |
qx::QxModelService<T, S> : provides an easy way to connect your model to the QxService module (all queries are executed over network using client/server communication) More... | |
class | IxClass |
qx::IxClass : common interface for all classes registered into QxOrm context More... | |
class | IxTypeInfo |
class | QxClass |
qx::QxClass<T> : concrete class of type T registered into QxOrm context (this class is a singleton and is thread-safe) More... | |
class | QxClassName |
qx::QxClassName<T> : class helper to retrieve the class name of type T under const char * format More... | |
class | QxClassX |
qx::QxClassX : list of all classes registered into QxOrm context (this container is a singleton) More... | |
class | QxRestApi |
qx::QxRestApi : provide a REST API to send requests in JSON format from external application, from web-site or from QML view (https://www.qxorm.com/qxorm_en/manual.html#manual_97) More... | |
struct | QxSerializeRegistered_Helper |
struct | QxSerializeRegistered |
class | QxArchive_ToFile |
qx::QxArchive_ToFile : provide some tools to serialize a class registered into QxOrm context into/from binary/text/XML archives (file, string, etc.) More... | |
class | QxArchive_FromFile |
qx::QxArchive_FromFile : provide some tools to serialize a class registered into QxOrm context into/from binary/text/XML archives (file, string, etc.) More... | |
class | QxArchive_ToFileCompressed |
qx::QxArchive_ToFileCompressed : provide some tools to serialize a class registered into QxOrm context into/from binary/text/XML archives (file, string, etc.) More... | |
class | QxArchive_FromFileCompressed |
qx::QxArchive_FromFileCompressed : provide some tools to serialize a class registered into QxOrm context into/from binary/text/XML archives (file, string, etc.) More... | |
class | QxArchive_ToString |
qx::QxArchive_ToString : provide some tools to serialize a class registered into QxOrm context into/from binary/text/XML archives (file, string, etc.) More... | |
class | QxArchive_FromString |
qx::QxArchive_FromString : provide some tools to serialize a class registered into QxOrm context into/from binary/text/XML archives (file, string, etc.) More... | |
class | QxArchive_ToByteArray |
qx::QxArchive_ToByteArray : provide some tools to serialize a class registered into QxOrm context into/from binary/text/XML archives (file, string, etc.) More... | |
class | QxArchive_FromByteArray |
qx::QxArchive_FromByteArray : provide some tools to serialize a class registered into QxOrm context into/from binary/text/XML archives (file, string, etc.) More... | |
class | IxBoostSerializeRegisterHelper |
class | QxBoostInitGuid |
class | QxBoostSerializeHelper |
class | QxBoostSerializeRegisterHelper |
class | QxBoostSerializeRegisterHelperX |
class | IxSingleton |
qx::IxSingleton : common interface for all singleton of QxOrm library More... | |
class | QxSingleton |
qx::QxSingleton<T> : concrete class to define a thread-safe singleton of type T More... | |
class | QxSingletonX |
qx::QxSingletonX : list of all singleton defined by QxOrm library (this container is also a singleton) More... | |
class | IxValidator |
qx::IxValidator : common interface for validator engine More... | |
class | IxValidatorX |
qx::IxValidatorX : common interface for a list of validators More... | |
class | QxInvalidValue |
qx::QxInvalidValue : invalid value when a property fails to pass a constraint More... | |
class | QxInvalidValueX |
qx::QxInvalidValueX : list of invalid values More... | |
class | QxValidator |
qx::QxValidator<Owner> : concrete class for a custom validator More... | |
class | QxValidator_WithDataType |
qx::QxValidator_WithDataType<DataType, Owner> : concrete class for a custom validator with data type More... | |
class | QxValidator_Recursive |
qx::QxValidator_Recursive<DataType, Owner> : concrete class for a recursive validator More... | |
class | validator_error |
qx::validator_error : define a validator error exception (for example, inserting or updating an element into database) and retrieve list of invalid values More... | |
class | QxValidatorX |
qx::QxValidatorX<T> : concrete class for a list of validators associated to a type registered into QxOrm context More... | |
class | QxXml |
class | QxXmlReader |
class | QxXmlWriter |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::shared_ptr < qx::IxCollection > | IxCollection_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < qx::IxPersistable > | IxPersistable_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < qx::IxPersistableCollection > | IxPersistableCollection_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < IxSqlQueryBuilder > | IxSqlQueryBuilder_ptr |
typedef QxCollection< QString, IxSqlRelation * > | IxSqlRelationX |
typedef std::shared_ptr < IxSqlRelationX > | IxSqlRelationX_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < QxDaoAsync > | QxDaoAsync_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < QxSqlRelationLinked > | QxSqlRelationLinked_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < IxDataMember > | IxDataMember_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < IxDataMemberX > | IxDataMemberX_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < IxFunction > | IxFunction_ptr |
typedef QxCollection< QString, IxFunction_ptr > | IxFunctionX |
typedef std::shared_ptr < IxFunctionX > | IxFunctionX_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < QxHttpRequest > | QxHttpRequest_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < QxHttpResponse > | QxHttpResponse_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < QxHttpServer > | QxHttpServer_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < QxHttpSession > | QxHttpSession_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < QxHttpTransaction > | QxHttpTransaction_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< IxClass > | IxClass_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < IxValidator > | IxValidator_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr < IxValidatorX > | IxValidatorX_ptr |
Functions | |
template<typename ValueType > | |
ValueType * | any_cast (any *) |
template<typename ValueType > | |
ValueType * | unsafe_any_cast (any *) |
void | swap (any &lhs, any &other) |
template<typename ValueType > | |
const ValueType * | any_cast (const any *operand) |
template<typename ValueType > | |
ValueType | any_cast (any &operand) |
template<typename ValueType > | |
ValueType | any_cast (const any &operand) |
template<typename ValueType > | |
const ValueType * | unsafe_any_cast (const any *operand) |
template<class T > | |
void | hash_combine (std::size_t &seed, const T &t) |
template<class T > | |
QxInvalidValueX | validate (T &t, const QString &group) |
template<class T > | |
QSharedPointer< T > | clone_to_qt_shared_ptr (const T &obj) |
qx::clone_to_qt_shared_ptr(const T & obj) : return a Qt smart-pointer (QSharedPointer<T>) of a new instance of type T cloned from obj | |
template<class T > | |
void | register_repository (const QString &sKey) |
qx::any | create (const QString &sKey, bool bRawPointer) |
Return a smart-pointer new instance of object (std::shared_ptr<T>) associated by key sKey using qx::any type (for example : qx::create("drug") return a new instance of smart-pointer drug class into qx::any type) | |
template<typename T > | |
T * | create_nude_ptr (const QString &sKey) |
Return a nude pointer (be careful with memory leak) of type T associated by key sKey, or return NULL if sKey is not registered into factory engine. | |
void * | create_void_ptr (const QString &sKey) |
Return a void * pointer (be careful with memory leak) associated by key sKey, or return NULL if sKey is not registered into factory engine. | |
template<class T > | |
void | register_class (T &t) |
qx::register_class<T>(T & t) : specialize this template to register a class of type T into QxOrm context | |
template<typename T > | |
void | register_all_qt_properties (QxClass< T > &t, const QString &sPropertyId) |
template<class T > | |
T * | clone_to_nude_ptr (const T &obj) |
qx::clone_to_nude_ptr(const T & obj) : return a nude pointer (be careful with memory leak) of a new instance of type T cloned from obj | |
template<class T > | |
std::shared_ptr< T > | clone (const T &obj) |
qx::clone(const T & obj) : return a boost smart-pointer (std::shared_ptr<T>) of a new instance of type T cloned from obj | |
template<class T > | |
boost::shared_ptr< T > | clone_to_boost_shared_ptr (const T &obj) |
qx::clone_to_boost_shared_ptr(const T & obj) : return a boost smart-pointer (boost::shared_ptr<T>) of a new instance of type T cloned from obj | |
template<class T > | |
std::shared_ptr< T > | clone_to_std_shared_ptr (const T &obj) |
qx::clone_to_std_shared_ptr(const T & obj) : return a C++11 std smart-pointer (std::shared_ptr<T>) of a new instance of type T cloned from obj | |
template<class T > | |
void | dump (const T &t, bool bJsonFormat=false) |
qx::dump(const T & t, bool bJsonFormat) : dump class of type T registered into QxOrm context using XML and JSON serialization engine | |
template<class T > | |
QxInvalidValueX | validate (T &t) |
template<class T > | |
QxInvalidValueX | validate (T &t, const QStringList &groups) |
Root namespace for all QxOrm library features.
Class for non-reentrant fast mutexes. This is the null implementation for single-threaded environments.
typedef std::shared_ptr<IxClass> qx::IxClass_ptr |
typedef std::shared_ptr<qx::IxCollection> qx::IxCollection_ptr |
Definition at line 75 of file IxCollection.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<IxDataMember> qx::IxDataMember_ptr |
Definition at line 339 of file IxDataMember.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<IxDataMemberX> qx::IxDataMemberX_ptr |
Definition at line 107 of file IxDataMemberX.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<IxFunction> qx::IxFunction_ptr |
Definition at line 131 of file IxFunction.h.
typedef QxCollection<QString, IxFunction_ptr> qx::IxFunctionX |
Definition at line 132 of file IxFunction.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<IxFunctionX> qx::IxFunctionX_ptr |
Definition at line 133 of file IxFunction.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<qx::IxPersistable> qx::IxPersistable_ptr |
Definition at line 349 of file IxPersistable.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<qx::IxPersistableCollection> qx::IxPersistableCollection_ptr |
Definition at line 78 of file IxPersistableCollection.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<IxSqlQueryBuilder> qx::IxSqlQueryBuilder_ptr |
Definition at line 153 of file IxSqlQueryBuilder.h.
typedef QxCollection<QString, IxSqlRelation *> qx::IxSqlRelationX |
Definition at line 59 of file IxSqlRelation.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<IxSqlRelationX> qx::IxSqlRelationX_ptr |
Definition at line 62 of file IxSqlRelation.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<IxValidator> qx::IxValidator_ptr |
Definition at line 120 of file IxValidator.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<IxValidatorX> qx::IxValidatorX_ptr |
Definition at line 112 of file IxValidatorX.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<QxDaoAsync> qx::QxDaoAsync_ptr |
Definition at line 220 of file QxDaoAsync.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<QxHttpRequest> qx::QxHttpRequest_ptr |
Definition at line 89 of file QxHttpRequest.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<QxHttpResponse> qx::QxHttpResponse_ptr |
Definition at line 86 of file QxHttpResponse.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<QxHttpServer> qx::QxHttpServer_ptr |
Definition at line 129 of file QxHttpServer.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<QxHttpSession> qx::QxHttpSession_ptr |
Definition at line 85 of file QxHttpSession.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<QxHttpTransaction> qx::QxHttpTransaction_ptr |
Definition at line 94 of file QxHttpTransaction.h.
typedef std::shared_ptr<QxSqlRelationLinked> qx::QxSqlRelationLinked_ptr |
Definition at line 146 of file QxSqlRelationLinked.h.
ValueType * qx::any_cast | ( | any * | operand | ) |
const ValueType* qx::any_cast | ( | const any * | operand | ) |
ValueType qx::any_cast | ( | any & | operand | ) |
ValueType qx::any_cast | ( | const any & | operand | ) |
void qx::hash_combine | ( | std::size_t & | seed, |
const T & | t | ||
) | [inline] |
Definition at line 73 of file QxHashValue.h.
void qx::register_all_qt_properties | ( | QxClass< T > & | t, |
const QString & | sPropertyId | ||
) |
Definition at line 61 of file QxRegisterQtProperty.h.
void qx::register_repository | ( | const QString & | sKey | ) | [inline] |
Definition at line 429 of file QxRepository.h.
ValueType * qx::unsafe_any_cast | ( | any * | operand | ) |
const ValueType* qx::unsafe_any_cast | ( | const any * | operand | ) |
QxInvalidValueX qx::validate | ( | T & | t, |
const QString & | group | ||
) |
Definition at line 180 of file QxValidatorFct.h.
QxInvalidValueX qx::validate | ( | T & | t | ) |
Definition at line 184 of file QxValidatorFct.h.
QxInvalidValueX qx::validate | ( | T & | t, |
const QStringList & | groups | ||
) |
Definition at line 188 of file QxValidatorFct.h.