QxOrm  1.5.0
C++ Object Relational Mapping library

qx::QxModel<T, B> : all classes registered into QxOrm context can be used with Qt model/view architecture (Qt widgets and/or QML views) More...

#include <QxModel.h>

Inheritance diagram for qx::QxModel< T, B >:
qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  { qx_is_valid = (qx::trait::is_qx_registered<T>::value && std::is_base_of<qx::IxModel, B>::value) }
typedef std::shared_ptr< T > type_ptr
qx::trait::get_primary_key< T >
typedef qx::QxCollection
< type_primary_key, type_ptr
typedef B type_base_class

Public Member Functions

 QxModel (QObject *parent=0)
 QxModel (qx::IxModel *other, QObject *parent)
virtual ~QxModel ()
virtual bool insertRows (int row, int count, const QModelIndex &parent=QModelIndex())
virtual void sort (int column, Qt::SortOrder order=Qt::AscendingOrder)
virtual bool getShowEmptyLine () const
virtual void setShowEmptyLine (bool b)
virtual long qxCount (const qx::QxSqlQuery &query=qx::QxSqlQuery(), QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Return the number of lines in the table (database) mapped to the C++ class T (registered into QxOrm context) and filtered by a user SQL query.
virtual QSqlError qxCount (long &lCount, const qx::QxSqlQuery &query=qx::QxSqlQuery(), QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Return the number of lines in the table (database) mapped to the C++ class T (registered into QxOrm context) and filtered by a user SQL query.
virtual QSqlError qxFetchById (const QVariant &id, const QStringList &relation=QStringList(), QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Clear the model and fetch an object (retrieve all its properties) of type T (registered into QxOrm context) mapped to a table in the database.
virtual QSqlError qxFetchAll (const QStringList &relation=QStringList(), QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Clear the model and fetch a list of objects (retrieve all elements and properties associated) of type T (container registered into QxOrm context) mapped to a table in the database.
virtual QSqlError qxFetchByQuery (const qx::QxSqlQuery &query, const QStringList &relation=QStringList(), QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Clear the model and fetch a list of objects (retrieve all elements and properties associated) of type T (container registered into QxOrm context) mapped to a table in the database and filtered by a user SQL query.
virtual QSqlError qxFetchRow (int row, const QStringList &relation=QStringList(), QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Get an item in the model at line row and fetch all its properties mapped to a table in the database, then all views attached to this model are automatically updated.
virtual QSqlError qxInsert (const QStringList &relation=QStringList(), QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL, bool bUseExecBatch=false)
 Insert all items in the model into database.
virtual QSqlError qxInsertRow (int row, const QStringList &relation=QStringList(), QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Insert an item of the model at line row into database.
virtual QSqlError qxUpdate (const qx::QxSqlQuery &query=qx::QxSqlQuery(), const QStringList &relation=QStringList(), QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL, bool bUseExecBatch=false)
 Update all items in the model into database.
virtual QSqlError qxUpdateRow (int row, const qx::QxSqlQuery &query=qx::QxSqlQuery(), const QStringList &relation=QStringList(), QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Update an item of the model at line row into database.
virtual QSqlError qxSave (const QStringList &relation=QStringList(), QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Save all items (insert or update) in the model into database.
virtual QSqlError qxSaveRow (int row, const QStringList &relation=QStringList(), QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Save an item of the model at line row into database.
virtual QSqlError qxSaveRowData (int row, const QStringList &column=QStringList(), QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Used internally by qx::IxModel::setData() method with e_auto_update_on_field_change option, save an item (even if it is the dirty row item) of the model at line row into database.
virtual QSqlError qxDeleteById (const QVariant &id, QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Delete a line of a table (database) mapped to a C++ object of type T (registered into QxOrm context), if no error occurred then you should remove row from the model.
virtual QSqlError qxDeleteAll (QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Delete all lines of a table (database) mapped to a C++ class T (registered into QxOrm context), if no error occurred then you should clear the model.
virtual QSqlError qxDeleteByQuery (const qx::QxSqlQuery &query, QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Delete all lines of a table (database) mapped to a C++ class T (registered into QxOrm context) and filtered by a user SQL query, if no error occurred then you should refresh the model.
virtual QSqlError qxDeleteRow (int row, QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Delete in database the item at line row in the model, if no error occurred then you should remove row from the model.
virtual QSqlError qxDestroyById (const QVariant &id, QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Delete a line of a table (even if a logical delete is defined) mapped to a C++ object of type T (registered into QxOrm context), if no error occurred then you should remove row from the model.
virtual QSqlError qxDestroyAll (QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Delete all lines of a table (even if a logical delete is defined) mapped to a C++ class T (registered into QxOrm context), if no error occurred then you should clear the model.
virtual QSqlError qxDestroyByQuery (const qx::QxSqlQuery &query, QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Delete all lines of a table (even if a logical delete is defined) mapped to a C++ class T (registered into QxOrm context) and filtered by a user SQL query, if no error occurred then you should refresh the model.
virtual QSqlError qxDestroyRow (int row, QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
 Delete in database (even if a logical delete is defined) the item at line row in the model, if no error occurred then you should remove row from the model.
virtual QSqlError qxExecuteQuery (qx::QxSqlQuery &query, QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
virtual qx_bool qxExist (const QVariant &id, QSqlDatabase *pDatabase=NULL)
virtual qx::QxInvalidValueX qxValidate (const QStringList &groups=QStringList())
virtual qx::QxInvalidValueX qxValidateRow (int row, const QStringList &groups=QStringList())

Protected Member Functions

void init ()
void initFrom (qx::IxModel *pOther)
type_ptr getRowItemAt (int row) const
virtual void * getRowItemAsVoidPtr (int row) const
virtual void dumpModelImpl (bool bJsonFormat) const
virtual QObject * cloneModelImpl ()
virtual void updateShowEmptyLine ()
virtual bool isDirtyRow (int row) const
virtual void insertDirtyRowToModel ()
void addDirtyRow ()
void insertItem (int row, const type_ptr &pItem)
void updateKey (int row)
void updateAllKeys ()
virtual QString toJson_Helper (int row) const
virtual bool fromJson_Helper (const QString &json, int row)
virtual QVariant getRelationshipValues_Helper (int row, const QString &relation, bool bLoadFromDatabase, const QString &sAppendRelations)
virtual bool setRelationshipValues_Helper (int row, const QString &relation, const QVariant &values)

Protected Attributes

type_collection m_model
 Model associated to a class registered into QxOrm context.
std::shared_ptr< QPair< int,
type_ptr > > 
 When displayed in a QTableView, this will cause an empty line awaiting user input to be displayed at the bottom (enabled with setShowEmptyLine() method)


struct qx::model_view::detail::QxNestedModel
struct qx::model_view::detail::QxNestedModel_Generic
struct qx::model_view::detail::QxNestedModel_Container

Detailed Description

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
class qx::QxModel< T, B >

qx::QxModel<T, B> : all classes registered into QxOrm context can be used with Qt model/view architecture (Qt widgets and/or QML views)

QxModelView module provides an easy way to work with Qt model/view engine with all classes registered into QxOrm context :

  • Qt widgets : QTableView or QListView for example to display/modify a database table content ;
  • QML : each property defined in QxOrm context is exposed to QML engine : QxModelView module makes easier integration between QML and databases.

qx::IxModel interface provides a generic way for all models linked to persistents classes registered into QxOrm context. All methods of this class prefixed by qx call functions from qx::dao namespace and then communicate with database.

The qxBlogModelView sample project in ./test/ directory of QxOrm package shows how to create quickly a model and associate it to the Qt model/view engine (first with a Qt widget, then with a QML view).

1- Here is an example to display/modify data from 'author' table (go to qxBlog tutorial for 'author' class definition) in a QTableView :

// Create a model and fetch all data from database
qx::IxModel * pModel = new qx::QxModel<author>();

// Associate the model to a QTableView and display it
QTableView tableView;

2- Here is another example in QML (with Qt5, QxModelView module works fine with Qt4 too) :

// Create a model and fetch all data from database
qx::IxModel * pModel = new qx::QxModel<author>();

// Associate the model to a QML view and display it
QQuickView qmlView;
qmlView.rootContext()->setContextProperty("myModel", pModel);

And here is the 'main.qml' file content :

import QtQuick 2.1
import QtQuick.Controls 1.0

Item {
   width: 400
   height: 300
   Row {
      height: 20
      spacing: 20
      Button {
         text: "Clear"
         onClicked: myModel.clear()
      Button {
         text: "Fetch All"
         onClicked: myModel.qxFetchAll_()
      Button {
         text: "Save"
         onClicked: myModel.qxSave_()
   ListView {
      y: 30
      height: 270
      model: myModel
      delegate: Row {
         height: 20
         spacing: 10
         Text { text: "id: " + author_id }
         TextField {
            text: name
            onTextChanged: name = text

As you can see in the 'main.qml' file, 'author_id' and 'name' properties of 'author' model ('myModel' variable) can be automatically read and write (because they are registered into QxOrm context). Moreover, qx::IxModel interface provides a list of methods for QML side (Q_INVOKABLE) to communicate with database : for example, the 'Save' button will save the model in database without having to write a C++ function.

Note : a QxEntityEditor plugin generates automatically the code to manage models with relationships. Then it is possible to work with nested C++ models.

Definition at line 163 of file QxModel.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
typedef B qx::QxModel< T, B >::type_base_class

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 175 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
typedef qx::QxCollection<type_primary_key, type_ptr> qx::QxModel< T, B >::type_collection

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 174 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
typedef qx::trait::get_primary_key<T>::type qx::QxModel< T, B >::type_primary_key

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 173 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
typedef std::shared_ptr<T> qx::QxModel< T, B >::type_ptr

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 172 of file QxModel.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
anonymous enum

Definition at line 177 of file QxModel.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
qx::QxModel< T, B >::QxModel ( QObject *  parent = 0) [inline]

Definition at line 186 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
qx::QxModel< T, B >::QxModel ( qx::IxModel other,
QObject *  parent 
) [inline]

Definition at line 187 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual qx::QxModel< T, B >::~QxModel ( ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 188 of file QxModel.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
void qx::QxModel< T, B >::addDirtyRow ( ) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 658 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QObject* qx::QxModel< T, B >::cloneModelImpl ( ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 636 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual void qx::QxModel< T, B >::dumpModelImpl ( bool  bJsonFormat) const [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 634 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual bool qx::QxModel< T, B >::fromJson_Helper ( const QString &  json,
int  row 
) [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 713 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QVariant qx::QxModel< T, B >::getRelationshipValues_Helper ( int  row,
const QString &  relation,
bool  bLoadFromDatabase,
const QString &  sAppendRelations 
) [inline, protected, virtual]

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 737 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual void* qx::QxModel< T, B >::getRowItemAsVoidPtr ( int  row) const [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 632 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
type_ptr qx::QxModel< T, B >::getRowItemAt ( int  row) const [inline, protected]

Definition at line 625 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual bool qx::QxModel< T, B >::getShowEmptyLine ( ) const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 236 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
void qx::QxModel< T, B >::init ( ) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 192 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
void qx::QxModel< T, B >::initFrom ( qx::IxModel pOther) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 202 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual void qx::QxModel< T, B >::insertDirtyRowToModel ( ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 648 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
void qx::QxModel< T, B >::insertItem ( int  row,
const type_ptr pItem 
) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 669 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual bool qx::QxModel< T, B >::insertRows ( int  row,
int  count,
const QModelIndex &  parent = QModelIndex() 
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 215 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual bool qx::QxModel< T, B >::isDirtyRow ( int  row) const [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 646 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual long qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxCount ( const qx::QxSqlQuery query = qx::QxSqlQuery(),
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Return the number of lines in the table (database) mapped to the C++ class T (registered into QxOrm context) and filtered by a user SQL query.

queryDefine a user SQL query added to default SQL query builded by QxOrm library (optional parameter)
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 254 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxCount ( long &  lCount,
const qx::QxSqlQuery query = qx::QxSqlQuery(),
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Return the number of lines in the table (database) mapped to the C++ class T (registered into QxOrm context) and filtered by a user SQL query.

lCountOutput parameter with the number of lines in the table associated to the SQL query
queryDefine a user SQL query added to default SQL query builded by QxOrm library (optional parameter)
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 265 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxDeleteAll ( QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL) [inline, virtual]

Delete all lines of a table (database) mapped to a C++ class T (registered into QxOrm context), if no error occurred then you should clear the model.

pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 504 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxDeleteById ( const QVariant &  id,
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Delete a line of a table (database) mapped to a C++ object of type T (registered into QxOrm context), if no error occurred then you should remove row from the model.

idRow id to be deleted from database
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 489 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxDeleteByQuery ( const qx::QxSqlQuery query,
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Delete all lines of a table (database) mapped to a C++ class T (registered into QxOrm context) and filtered by a user SQL query, if no error occurred then you should refresh the model.

queryDefine a user SQL query added to default SQL query builded by QxOrm library
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 516 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxDeleteRow ( int  row,
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Delete in database the item at line row in the model, if no error occurred then you should remove row from the model.

rowDelete in database the item in the model at line row
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 528 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxDestroyAll ( QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL) [inline, virtual]

Delete all lines of a table (even if a logical delete is defined) mapped to a C++ class T (registered into QxOrm context), if no error occurred then you should clear the model.

pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 557 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxDestroyById ( const QVariant &  id,
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Delete a line of a table (even if a logical delete is defined) mapped to a C++ object of type T (registered into QxOrm context), if no error occurred then you should remove row from the model.

idRow id to be deleted from database
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 542 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxDestroyByQuery ( const qx::QxSqlQuery query,
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Delete all lines of a table (even if a logical delete is defined) mapped to a C++ class T (registered into QxOrm context) and filtered by a user SQL query, if no error occurred then you should refresh the model.

queryDefine a user SQL query added to default SQL query builded by QxOrm library
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 569 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxDestroyRow ( int  row,
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Delete in database (even if a logical delete is defined) the item at line row in the model, if no error occurred then you should remove row from the model.

rowDelete in database the item in the model at line row
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 581 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxExecuteQuery ( qx::QxSqlQuery query,
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 589 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual qx_bool qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxExist ( const QVariant &  id,
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 603 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxFetchAll ( const QStringList &  relation = QStringList(),
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Clear the model and fetch a list of objects (retrieve all elements and properties associated) of type T (container registered into QxOrm context) mapped to a table in the database.

relationList of relationships keys to be fetched (eager fetch instead of default lazy fetch for a relation) : use "|" separator to put many relationships keys into this parameter
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 304 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxFetchById ( const QVariant &  id,
const QStringList &  relation = QStringList(),
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Clear the model and fetch an object (retrieve all its properties) of type T (registered into QxOrm context) mapped to a table in the database.

idRow id to be fetched (retrieve all properties from database)
relationList of relationships keys to be fetched (eager fetch instead of default lazy fetch for a relation) : use "|" separator to put many relationships keys into this parameter
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 278 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxFetchByQuery ( const qx::QxSqlQuery query,
const QStringList &  relation = QStringList(),
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Clear the model and fetch a list of objects (retrieve all elements and properties associated) of type T (container registered into QxOrm context) mapped to a table in the database and filtered by a user SQL query.

queryDefine a user SQL query added to default SQL query builded by QxOrm library
relationList of relationships keys to be fetched (eager fetch instead of default lazy fetch for a relation) : use "|" separator to put many relationships keys into this parameter
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 326 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxFetchRow ( int  row,
const QStringList &  relation = QStringList(),
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Get an item in the model at line row and fetch all its properties mapped to a table in the database, then all views attached to this model are automatically updated.

rowGet an item in the model at line row
relationList of relationships keys to be fetched (eager fetch instead of default lazy fetch for a relation) : use "|" separator to put many relationships keys into this parameter
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 348 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxInsert ( const QStringList &  relation = QStringList(),
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL,
bool  bUseExecBatch = false 
) [inline, virtual]

Insert all items in the model into database.

relationList of relationships keys to be inserted in others tables of database : use "|" separator to put many relationships keys into this parameter
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
bUseExecBatchIf true then use the QSqlQuery::execBatch() method to improve performance inserting a list of instances to database (but doesn't fill the last inserted identifier in the C++ instances)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 369 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxInsertRow ( int  row,
const QStringList &  relation = QStringList(),
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Insert an item of the model at line row into database.

rowInsert an item in the model at line row
relationList of relationships keys to be inserted in others tables of database : use "|" separator to put many relationships keys into this parameter
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 385 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxSave ( const QStringList &  relation = QStringList(),
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Save all items (insert or update) in the model into database.

relationList of relationships keys to be inserted in others tables of database : use "|" separator to put many relationships keys into this parameter
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 437 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxSaveRow ( int  row,
const QStringList &  relation = QStringList(),
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Save an item of the model at line row into database.

rowSave an item (insert or update) in the model at line row
relationList of relationships keys to be inserted in others tables of database : use "|" separator to put many relationships keys into this parameter
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 453 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxSaveRowData ( int  row,
const QStringList &  column = QStringList(),
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Used internally by qx::IxModel::setData() method with e_auto_update_on_field_change option, save an item (even if it is the dirty row item) of the model at line row into database.

rowSave an item (insert or update) in the model at line row
columnList of columns of model to save in database
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Definition at line 471 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxUpdate ( const qx::QxSqlQuery query = qx::QxSqlQuery(),
const QStringList &  relation = QStringList(),
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL,
bool  bUseExecBatch = false 
) [inline, virtual]

Update all items in the model into database.

queryDefine a user SQL query added to default SQL query builded by QxOrm library
relationList of relationships keys to be inserted in others tables of database : use "|" separator to put many relationships keys into this parameter
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
bUseExecBatchIf true then use the QSqlQuery::execBatch() method to improve performance updating a list of instances in database
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 403 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QSqlError qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxUpdateRow ( int  row,
const qx::QxSqlQuery query = qx::QxSqlQuery(),
const QStringList &  relation = QStringList(),
QSqlDatabase *  pDatabase = NULL 
) [inline, virtual]

Update an item of the model at line row into database.

rowUpdate an item in the model at line row
queryDefine a user SQL query added to default SQL query builded by QxOrm library
relationList of relationships keys to be inserted in others tables of database : use "|" separator to put many relationships keys into this parameter
pDatabaseConnection to database (you can manage your own connection pool for example, you can also define a transaction, etc.); if NULL, a valid connection for the current thread is provided by qx::QxSqlDatabase singleton class (optional parameter)
Empty QSqlError object (from Qt library) if no error occurred; otherwise QSqlError contains a description of database error executing SQL query

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 420 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual qx::QxInvalidValueX qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxValidate ( const QStringList &  groups = QStringList()) [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 612 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual qx::QxInvalidValueX qx::QxModel< T, B >::qxValidateRow ( int  row,
const QStringList &  groups = QStringList() 
) [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented in qx::QxModelService< T, S, B >.

Definition at line 617 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual bool qx::QxModel< T, B >::setRelationshipValues_Helper ( int  row,
const QString &  relation,
const QVariant &  values 
) [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 763 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual void qx::QxModel< T, B >::setShowEmptyLine ( bool  b) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 238 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual void qx::QxModel< T, B >::sort ( int  column,
Qt::SortOrder  order = Qt::AscendingOrder 
) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 229 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual QString qx::QxModel< T, B >::toJson_Helper ( int  row) const [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 706 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
void qx::QxModel< T, B >::updateAllKeys ( ) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 696 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
void qx::QxModel< T, B >::updateKey ( int  row) [inline, protected]

Definition at line 680 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
virtual void qx::QxModel< T, B >::updateShowEmptyLine ( ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Definition at line 644 of file QxModel.h.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
friend struct qx::model_view::detail::QxNestedModel [friend]

Definition at line 166 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
friend struct qx::model_view::detail::QxNestedModel_Container [friend]

Definition at line 168 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
friend struct qx::model_view::detail::QxNestedModel_Generic [friend]

Definition at line 167 of file QxModel.h.

Member Data Documentation

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
type_collection qx::QxModel< T, B >::m_model [protected]

Model associated to a class registered into QxOrm context.

Definition at line 181 of file QxModel.h.

template<class T, class B = qx::IxModel>
std::shared_ptr<QPair<int, type_ptr> > qx::QxModel< T, B >::m_pDirtyRow [protected]

When displayed in a QTableView, this will cause an empty line awaiting user input to be displayed at the bottom (enabled with setShowEmptyLine() method)

Definition at line 182 of file QxModel.h.

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