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C++ Object Relational Mapping library
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDaoRepository.h [code] | Include all headers required to use repository pattern |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxMemLeak.h [code] | QxOrm library memory leak detection (by Wu Yongwei) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxModelView.h [code] | Include all headers required to use QxModelView module : https://www.qxorm.com/qxorm_en/manual.html#manual_90 |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxOrm.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxOrm_Impl.h [code] | QxOrm_Impl.h file should be included in all *.cpp files which depend on QxOrm library if you are using QxMemLeak module or boost::serialization engine. Otherwise, include QxOrm_Impl.h file is optional (not required) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxPrecompiled.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxServices.h [code] | Include all headers required to use QxService module : https://www.qxorm.com/qxorm_en/manual.html#manual_80 |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCollection/IxCollection.h [code] | Common interface for all QxOrm containers qx::QxCollection<Key, Value> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCollection/QxCollection.h [code] | QxOrm thread-safe container (keep insertion order + quick access by index + quick access by key) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCollection/QxCollectionIterator.h [code] | Java-style iterator to iterate over a qx::QxCollection<Key, Value> container |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCollection/QxForeach.h [code] | Foreach-style (based on BOOST_FOREACH macro) to iterate over all stl, boost and Qt containers + qx::QxCollection<Key, Value> QxOrm library container |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCommon/QxAny.h [code] | Qx::any : basic implementation of boost::any (written by Kevlin Henney) when boost dependency is not available |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCommon/QxAnyCastDynamic.h [code] | Qx::any_cast_dynamic<T>::get() : provides a tool to use qx::any_cast and polymorphism |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCommon/QxBool.h [code] | Qx_bool : QxOrm library boolean type with code and description message when an error occured |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCommon/QxCache.h [code] | Qx::cache : based on singleton pattern, provide basic thread-safe cache feature to backup and restore any kind of objects (for example, object fetched from database) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCommon/QxConfig.h [code] | List of parameters to compile and build QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCommon/QxException.h [code] | Exception with error code and error description |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCommon/QxExceptionCode.h [code] | Some errors codes defined by QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCommon/QxHashValue.h [code] | Specialize hash_value function for some Qt and boost types (used for example by qx::QxCollection<Key, Value> container) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCommon/QxMacro.h [code] | List of common macros used by QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCommon/QxMainPage.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCommon/QxPropertyBag.h [code] | Used by introspection engine (IxClass, IxDataMember, IxFunction, etc.) to add meta-data (property bag) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxCommon/QxSimpleCrypt.h [code] | Qx::QxSimpleCrypt : simple encryption and decryption of strings and byte arrays |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxConvert/QxConvert.h [code] | Qx::cvt : namespace to provide global functions to convert any kind of objects to/from QString and QVariant format |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxConvert/QxConvert_Export.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxConvert/QxConvert_Impl.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/IxDao_Helper.h [code] | Helper class to communicate with database |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/IxPersistable.h [code] | Common interface (abstract class) for persistents classes using QX_PERSISTABLE_HPP() and QX_PERSISTABLE_CPP() macros |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/IxPersistableCollection.h [code] | Common interface (abstract class) for collection persistent classes based on qx::IxPersistable and qx::IxCollection |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/IxPersistableList.h [code] | Common interface (abstract class) for list persistent classes based on qx::IxPersistable |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/IxSqlQueryBuilder.h [code] | Common interface to build SQL queries to communicate with database |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/IxSqlRelation.h [code] | Common interface for all relationships defined between 2 classes (or between 2 tables in database) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxDao.h [code] | Provide template functions to map C++ class registered into QxOrm context with table database (ORM - Object Relational Mapping) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxDao_Impl.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxDao_IsDirty.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxDaoAsync.h [code] | Helper class to execute SQL queries in another thread (asynchronous way) using qx::IxPersistable interface |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxDaoPointer.h [code] | Qx::dao::ptr<T> : provide a classic smart-pointer (like boost::shared_ptr<T> or QSharedPointer<T>) with some features associated with QxDao module of QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxDaoStrategy.h [code] | Class inheritance strategy and database (Concrete Table Inheritance is the default strategy used by QxOrm library) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxDaoThrowable.h [code] | Same functions as qx::dao namespace, but throw a qx::dao::sql_error exception when a SQL error occurred (instead of returning a QSqlError instance) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxDateNeutral.h [code] | Helper class to store a date value into database under neutral format (YYYYMMDD) => cross database compatibility |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxDateTimeNeutral.h [code] | Helper class to store a date-time value into database under neutral format (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) => cross database compatibility |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSession.h [code] | Define a session to manage automatically database transactions (using C++ RAII) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSoftDelete.h [code] | Soft delete (or logical delete) behavior to update a row into database (flag it as deleted) instead of delete it from database |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlDatabase.h [code] | Define all parameters to connect to database and retrieve a valid connection by thread |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlError.h [code] | Define a SQL error exception and retrieve QSqlError type of Qt library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlJoin.h [code] | Define how to join 2 tables into SQL query (LEFT OUTER JOIN, INNER JOIN, etc...) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlQuery.h [code] | Define a user SQL query added to default SQL query builded by QxOrm library, and used by qx::dao::xxx functions to filter elements fetched from database |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlQueryBuilder.h [code] | Concrete SQL query builder by class with a cache mechanism to backup and restore queries already built by the program |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlQueryHelper.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlRelation.h [code] | Base class for all relationships defined between 2 classes (or between 2 tables in database) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlRelation_ManyToMany.h [code] | Manage a relationship many-to-many defined between 2 classes (or between 2 tables in database) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlRelation_ManyToOne.h [code] | Manage a relationship many-to-one defined between 2 classes (or between 2 tables in database) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlRelation_OneToMany.h [code] | Manage a relationship one-to-many defined between 2 classes (or between 2 tables in database) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlRelation_OneToOne.h [code] | Manage a relationship one-to-one defined between 2 classes (or between 2 tables in database) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlRelation_RawData.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlRelationLinked.h [code] | Hierarchy of relationships to build SQL query |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlRelationParams.h [code] | Define list of parameters to transfer to relationships to manage SQL queries builded by QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlSaveMode.h [code] | To improve performance, if you know that you are just inserting or updating items in database |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxTimeNeutral.h [code] | Helper class to store a time value into database under neutral format (HHMMSS) => cross database compatibility |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxMongoDB/QxMongoDB_Helper.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxRepository/IxRepository.h [code] | Common interface for all repositories to provide access to database by introspection using QObject class or qx::IxCollection class |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxRepository/QxRepository.h [code] | Repository to provide a common interface to communicate with database |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxRepository/QxRepositoryX.h [code] | List of all repositories registered using qx::register_repository<T> function |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlElement/IxSqlElement.h [code] | Common interface for all SQL elements to build SQL query |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlElement/QxSqlCompare.h [code] | SQL element to compare value (==, <, >, <=, >=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, etc.) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlElement/QxSqlElement.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlElement/QxSqlElementTemp.h [code] | Temporary SQL element (need to be cloned to be used) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlElement/QxSqlEmbedQuery.h [code] | SQL element to embed a SQL sub-query inside a parent SQL query |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlElement/QxSqlExpression.h [code] | SQL element to build a SQL expression (WHERE, AND, OR, etc.) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlElement/QxSqlFreeText.h [code] | Possibility to add free text to SQL query |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlElement/QxSqlIn.h [code] | SQL element to verify a list of values (IN, NOT IN, etc.) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlElement/QxSqlIsBetween.h [code] | SQL element to verify if a value is included into 2 other values |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlElement/QxSqlIsNull.h [code] | SQL element to verify if a value is null or not null (IS NULL, IS NOT NULL) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlElement/QxSqlLimit.h [code] | SQL element to limit rows count fetched from database |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlElement/QxSqlSort.h [code] | SQL element to sort or to group list of elements fetched from database (ORDER BY, GROUP BY) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlGenerator/IxSqlGenerator.h [code] | Common interface for all SQL generators to build SQL query specific for each database |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlGenerator/QxSqlGenerator.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlGenerator/QxSqlGenerator_MSSQLServer.h [code] | SQL generator for Microsoft SQL Server database |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlGenerator/QxSqlGenerator_MySQL.h [code] | SQL generator for MySQL database |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlGenerator/QxSqlGenerator_Oracle.h [code] | SQL generator for Oracle database |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlGenerator/QxSqlGenerator_PostgreSQL.h [code] | SQL generator for PostgreSQL database |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlGenerator/QxSqlGenerator_SQLite.h [code] | SQL generator for SQLite database |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDao/QxSqlGenerator/QxSqlGenerator_Standard.h [code] | SQL generator to build standard SQL query |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDataMember/IxDataMember.h [code] | Common interface for all class properties registered into QxOrm context |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDataMember/IxDataMemberX.h [code] | Common interface for a list of IxDataMember class properties registered into QxOrm context (for example, list of data member of a class) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDataMember/QxDataMember.h [code] | Concrete class property registered into QxOrm context |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDataMember/QxDataMember_PImpl.h [code] | Concrete class property registered into QxOrm context (using private implementation idiom) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDataMember/QxDataMember_QObject.h [code] | Connect Qt introspection engine (based on QObject class, with QMetaObject type) to QxOrm library introspection engine |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxDataMember/QxDataMemberX.h [code] | Concrete list of class properties registered into QxOrm context |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxExtras/QxBoostOptionalOnly.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxExtras/QxStdOptional.h [code] | Support std::optional<T> class (requires a C++17 compiler) to manage NULL database value, this header should be included just after <QxOrm.h> header file (ideally in a precompiled header) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFactory/IxFactory.h [code] | Common interface for all classes that can be created dynamically using the class name |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFactory/QxFactory.h [code] | Concrete factory class to create object dynamically using the class name |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFactory/QxFactoryX.h [code] | List of all classes registered with QxOrm library factory pattern to create object instance dynamically using the class name |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/IxFunction.h [code] | Common interface for all functions registered into QxOrm context (used by introspection engine) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/QxFunction_0.h [code] | Concrete function class registered into QxOrm context without parameter |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/QxFunction_1.h [code] | Concrete function class registered into QxOrm context with 1 parameter |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/QxFunction_2.h [code] | Concrete function class registered into QxOrm context with 2 parameters |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/QxFunction_3.h [code] | Concrete function class registered into QxOrm context with 3 parameters |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/QxFunction_4.h [code] | Concrete function class registered into QxOrm context with 4 parameters |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/QxFunction_5.h [code] | Concrete function class registered into QxOrm context with 5 parameters |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/QxFunction_6.h [code] | Concrete function class registered into QxOrm context with 6 parameters |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/QxFunction_7.h [code] | Concrete function class registered into QxOrm context with 7 parameters |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/QxFunction_8.h [code] | Concrete function class registered into QxOrm context with 8 parameters |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/QxFunction_9.h [code] | Concrete function class registered into QxOrm context with 9 parameters |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/QxFunctionError.h [code] | Define all messages when an error occured using QxFunction module of QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/QxFunctionInclude.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/QxFunctionMacro.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxFunction/QxParameters.h [code] | Qx::function::detail::get_param_X() : provide some helper functions to retrieve parameters for all qx::IxFunction registered into QxOrm context |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxHttpServer/QxHttpCookie.h [code] | HTTP cookie (https://www.qxorm.com/qxorm_en/manual.html#manual_999) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxHttpServer/QxHttpRequest.h [code] | HTTP request (headers + body) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxHttpServer/QxHttpResponse.h [code] | HTTP response (headers + body) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxHttpServer/QxHttpServer.h [code] | HTTP server which manages connections in a multi-threaded environment (support SSL/TLS, persistent connection, etc...) : https://www.qxorm.com/qxorm_en/manual.html#manual_96 |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxHttpServer/QxHttpSession.h [code] | HTTP session (https://www.qxorm.com/qxorm_en/manual.html#manual_998) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxHttpServer/QxHttpSessionManager.h [code] | HTTP session manager (https://www.qxorm.com/qxorm_en/manual.html#manual_998) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxHttpServer/QxHttpTransaction.h [code] | HTTP transaction (contains request from client and reply from server) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxMemLeak/bool_array.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxMemLeak/class_level_lock.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxMemLeak/cont_ptr_utils.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxMemLeak/debug_new.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxMemLeak/fast_mutex.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxMemLeak/fixed_mem_pool.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxMemLeak/mem_leak.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxMemLeak/mem_pool_base.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxMemLeak/object_level_lock.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxMemLeak/pctimer.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxMemLeak/set_assign.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxMemLeak/static_assert.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxMemLeak/static_mem_pool.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxModelView/IxModel.h [code] | Interface to manage Qt model/view architecture with classes registered into QxOrm context (Qt widgets and/or QML views) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxModelView/QxModel.h [code] | All classes registered into QxOrm context can be used with Qt model/view architecture (Qt widgets and/or QML views) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxModelView/QxModelRowCompare.h [code] | Functor used to provide sort feature for all models based on qx::IxModel interface (please note that you can also use QSortFilterProxyModel Qt class to sort your model) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxModelView/QxModelService.h [code] | Qx::QxModelService<T, S> provides an easy way to connect your model to the QxService module (all queries are executed over network using client/server communication) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxModelView/QxNestedModel.h [code] | Qx::model_view::create_nested_model is used by QxEntityEditor to manage complex data structure to work with relationships in QML views and Qt model/view architecture |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxRegister/IxClass.h [code] | Common interface for all classes registered into QxOrm context |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxRegister/IxTypeInfo.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxRegister/QxClass.h [code] | Concrete class registered into QxOrm context |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxRegister/QxClassName.h [code] | Provide a class helper to retrieve the class name under const char * format |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxRegister/QxClassX.h [code] | List of all classes registered into QxOrm context |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxRegister/QxRegister.h [code] | Provide macros to register a class into QxOrm context |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxRegister/QxRegisterInternalHelper.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxRegister/QxRegisterQtProperty.h [code] | Register automatically Qt meta-property defined with Q_PROPERTY() macro into QxOrm context |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxRegister/QxVersion.h [code] | Register a version number per class |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxRestApi/QxRestApi.h [code] | Provide a REST API to send requests in JSON format from external application, from web-site or from QML view (https://www.qxorm.com/qxorm_en/manual.html#manual_97) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxArchive.h [code] | Provide some tools to serialize a class registered into QxOrm context into/from binary/XML archive (file, string, etc.) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxClone.h [code] | Clone all classes registered into QxOrm context using QxOrm library serialization engine |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxDump.h [code] | Dump all classes registered into QxOrm context using XML and JSON serialization engine |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxSerialize.h [code] | Include all files necessary to serialize most used classes defined into stl, boost and Qt libraries |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxSerializeCheckInstance.h [code] | Check instance during serialization process to avoid infinite loop with circular references (using RAII) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxSerializeFastCompil.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxSerializeInvoker.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxSerializeMacro.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxSerializeQDataStream.h [code] | Used when _QX_ENABLE_BOOST_SERIALIZATION compilation option is not defined to provide serialization engine with Qt QDataStream class |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxSerializeQJson.h [code] | Provide a serialization engine with Qt QJson classes (this feature requires Qt5) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/boost/QxExportDllBoostArchive.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/boost/QxExportDllMacroCpp.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/boost/QxExportDllMacroHpp.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/boost/QxImportDllBoostArchive.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/boost/QxSerialize_shared_ptr.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/boost/QxSerialize_tuple.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/boost/QxSerialize_unordered_map.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/boost/QxSerialize_unordered_set.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/boost/QxSerializeInclude.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/boost/class_export/qx_boost_class_export.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/boost/portable_binary/portable_archive_exception.hpp [code] | Provides error handling and constants |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/boost/portable_binary/portable_iarchive.hpp [code] | Provides an archive to read from portable binary files |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/boost/portable_binary/portable_oarchive.hpp [code] | Provides an archive to create portable binary files |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_all_include.h [code] | Include all Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) provided by QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_boost_optional.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type boost::optional<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_boost_scoped_ptr.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type boost::scoped_ptr<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_boost_shared_ptr.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type boost::shared_ptr<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_boost_tuple.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type boost::tuple<T0, T1, ..., T9> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_boost_unordered_map.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type boost::unordered_map<Key, Value> and boost::unordered_multimap<Key, Value> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_boost_unordered_set.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type boost::unordered_set<T> and boost::unordered_multiset<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_primitive_type.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for primitive types (long, etc...) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_QFlags.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type QFlags<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_QObject.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type QObject (serialize dynamic properties) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_QScopedPointer.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type QScopedPointer<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_QSharedPointer.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type QSharedPointer<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_QSqlError.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type QSqlError |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_QWeakPointer.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type QWeakPointer<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_qx_registered_class.h [code] | Provide a generic Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for classes registered into QxOrm context (void qx::register_class<MyClass>() function), it is possible to specialize qx::QxSerializeRegistered<T> template to implement your own serialization method for a specific class |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_std_list.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type std::list<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_std_map.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type std::map<Key, Value> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_std_pair.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_std_set.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type std::set<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_std_shared_ptr.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type std::shared_ptr<T> (C++11 compilation option _QX_CPP_11_SMART_PTR must be defined) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_std_string.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type std::string and std::wstring |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_std_tuple.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type std::tuple<T0, T1, ..., T9> (C++11 compilation option _QX_CPP_11_TUPLE must be defined) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_std_unique_ptr.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type std::unique_ptr<T> (C++11 compilation option _QX_CPP_11_SMART_PTR must be defined) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_std_unordered_map.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type std::unordered_map<Key, Value> and std::unordered_multimap<Key, Value> (C++11 compilation option _QX_CPP_11_CONTAINER must be defined) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_std_unordered_set.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type std::unordered_set<T> and std::unordered_multiset<T> (C++11 compilation option _QX_CPP_11_CONTAINER must be defined) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QDataStream/QxSerializeQDataStream_std_vector.h [code] | Provide a Qt QDataStream serialization method (save/load) for type std::vector<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_all_include.h [code] | Include all Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) provided by QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_boost_scoped_ptr.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type boost::scoped_ptr<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_boost_shared_ptr.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type boost::shared_ptr<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_boost_tuple.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type boost::tuple<T0, T1, ..., T9> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_boost_unordered_map.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type boost::unordered_map<Key, Value> and boost::unordered_multimap<Key, Value> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_boost_unordered_set.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type boost::unordered_set<T> and boost::unordered_multiset<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_IxParameter.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type qx::service::IxParameter |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_IxPersistable.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type qx::IxPersistable |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_IxService.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type qx::service::IxService |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_IxSqlElement.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type qx::dao::detail::IxSqlElement |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QBrush.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QBrush |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QColor.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QColor |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QFlags.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QFlags<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QFont.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QFont |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QHash.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QHash<Key, Value> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QImage.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QImage |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QLinkedList.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QList.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QList<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QMap.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QMap<Key, Value> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QMatrix.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QMultiHash.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QMultiHash<Key, Value> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QMultiMap.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QMultiMap<Key, Value> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QObject.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QObject (serialize dynamic properties) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QPair.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QPicture.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QPicture |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QPixmap.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QPixmap |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QPoint.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QPoint |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QRect.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QRect |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QRegExp.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QRegion.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QRegion |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QScopedPointer.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QScopedPointer<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QSharedPointer.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QSharedPointer<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QSize.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QSize |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QSqlError.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QSqlError |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QStringList.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QStringList |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QUrl.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QUrl |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QVariantHash.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QVariantHash |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QVariantMap.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QVariantMap |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QVector.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QWeakPointer.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type QWeakPointer<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_qx_registered_class.h [code] | Provide a generic Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for classes registered into QxOrm context (void qx::register_class<MyClass>() function), it is possible to specialize qx::cvt::detail::QxSerializeJsonRegistered<T> template to implement your own serialization method for a specific class |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QxCollection.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type qx::QxCollection<Key, Value> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QxDaoPointer.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type qx::dao::ptr<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QxInvalidValue.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type qx::QxInvalidValue |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QxInvalidValueX.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type qx::QxInvalidValueX |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QxSqlQuery.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type qx::QxSqlQuery |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_QxTransaction.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type qx::service::QxTransaction |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_std_list.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type std::list<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_std_map.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type std::map<Key, Value> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_std_pair.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type std::pair<T1, T2> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_std_set.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type std::set<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_std_shared_ptr.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type std::shared_ptr<T> (C++11 compilation option _QX_CPP_11_SMART_PTR must be defined) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_std_tuple.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type std::tuple<T0, T1, ..., T9> (C++11 compilation option _QX_CPP_11_TUPLE must be defined) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_std_unique_ptr.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type std::unique_ptr<T> (C++11 compilation option _QX_CPP_11_SMART_PTR must be defined) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_std_unordered_map.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type std::unordered_map<Key, Value> and std::unordered_multimap<Key, Value> (C++11 compilation option _QX_CPP_11_CONTAINER must be defined) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_std_unordered_set.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type std::unordered_set<T> and std::unordered_multiset<T> (C++11 compilation option _QX_CPP_11_CONTAINER must be defined) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QJson/QxSerializeQJson_std_vector.h [code] | Provide a Qt QJson serialization method (save/load) for type std::vector<T> |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QBrush.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QByteArray.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QColor.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QDate.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QDateTime.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QFlags.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QFont.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QHash.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QImage.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QLinkedList.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QList.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QMap.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QMatrix.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QMultiHash.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QMultiMap.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QObject.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QPair.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QPicture.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QPixmap.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QPoint.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QRect.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QRegExp.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QRegion.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QScopedPointer.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QSharedPointer.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QSize.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QSqlError.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QString.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QStringList.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QTime.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QUrl.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QUuid.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QVariant.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QVector.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qt/QxSerialize_QWeakPointer.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qx/QxSerialize_QxCollection.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qx/QxSerialize_QxDaoPointer.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qx/QxSerialize_QxXmlReader.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/Qx/QxSerialize_QxXmlWriter.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxBoostSerializeHelper/IxBoostSerializeRegisterHelper.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxBoostSerializeHelper/QxBoostInitGuid.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxBoostSerializeHelper/QxBoostSerializeHelper.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxBoostSerializeHelper/QxBoostSerializeRegisterHelper.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/QxBoostSerializeHelper/QxBoostSerializeRegisterHelperX.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/std/QxSerialize_std_shared_ptr.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/std/QxSerialize_std_tuple.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/std/QxSerialize_std_unique_ptr.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/std/QxSerialize_std_unordered_map.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSerialize/std/QxSerialize_std_unordered_set.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxService/IxParameter.h [code] | Common interface for all parameters transfered by QxService module of QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxService/IxService.h [code] | Common interface for all services defined with QxService module of QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxService/QxClientAsync.h [code] | Provide a class helper to easily execute an asynchronous transaction using a multi-thread process |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxService/QxConnect.h [code] | Define connection parameters used by QxService module of QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxService/QxServer.h [code] | Server side to manage a thread pool of incoming connections (new request from client) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxService/QxService.h [code] | Concrete service class defined with QxService module of QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxService/QxThread.h [code] | Thread to execute a transaction of QxService module |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxService/QxThreadPool.h [code] | Thread pool to manage list of threads for executing all transactions of QxService module |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxService/QxTools.h [code] | Provide some tools to read/write on socket all datas transfered by QxService module of QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxService/QxTransaction.h [code] | Transaction of QxService module (contains request from client and reply from server) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSingleton/IxSingleton.h [code] | Common interface for all singleton of QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSingleton/QxSingleton.h [code] | Concrete class to define a thread-safe singleton of QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSingleton/QxSingletonInit.h [code] | Initialize some singletons hosted by QxOrm shared library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxSingleton/QxSingletonX.h [code] | List of all singleton defined by QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/archive_printable.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_archive_printable<T>::value : define if a boost::archive type is readable by a human (for example XML archive) or not (for example binary archive) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/archive_wide_traits.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_archive_wide<T>::value : define if a boost::archive type uses wide string character and stream (for example std::wstring) or not (for example std::string) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/construct_null_qvariant.h [code] | Qx::trait::construct_null_qvariant<T>::get() : create a NULL QVariant which matches QVariant::Type with type T |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/construct_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::construct_ptr<T>::get(T & t, bool bReset = false) : instantiate (or reset) a new pointer, support both nude-pointer and smart-pointer of boost, Qt and QxOrm libraries |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/generic_container.h [code] | Qx::trait::generic_container<T> : provide some tools to manage all containers without knowing its type |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/get_base_class.h [code] | Qx::trait::get_base_class<T>::type : retrieve base class of type T registered into QxOrm context and return qx::trait::no_base_class_defined if no base class defined |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/get_class_name.h [code] | Qx::trait::get_class_name<T>::get() : return class name of type T under const char * format, T must be registered with QX_REGISTER_CLASS_NAME(T) macro |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/get_class_name_primitive.h [code] | Register all primitive and useful types of stl, boost and Qt libraries using QX_REGISTER_CLASS_NAME(T) macro |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/get_primary_key.h [code] | Qx::trait::get_primary_key<T>::type : return primary key type of T, by default primary key is long type, use QX_REGISTER_PRIMARY_KEY() macro to register another type (for example QX_REGISTER_PRIMARY_KEY(T, QString)) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/get_sql_type.h [code] | Qx::trait::get_sql_type<T>::get() : return type name under const char * format used by database engine to map a C++ type T |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_boost_intrusive_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_boost_intrusive_ptr<T>::value : return true if T is a boost::intrusive_ptr<> smart-pointer, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_boost_scoped_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_boost_scoped_ptr<T>::value : return true if T is a boost::scoped_ptr<> smart-pointer, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_boost_shared_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_boost_shared_ptr<T>::value : return true if T is a boost::shared_ptr<> smart-pointer, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_boost_unordered_map.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_boost_unordered_map<T>::value : return true if T is a boost::unordered_map<> or boost::unordered_multimap<> container, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_boost_unordered_set.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_boost_unordered_set<T>::value : return true if T is a boost::unordered_set<> or boost::unordered_multiset<> container, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_boost_weak_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_boost_weak_ptr<T>::value : return true if T is a boost::weak_ptr<> smart-pointer, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_container.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_container<T>::value : return true if T is a container from stl, boost, Qt or QxOrm library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_container_base_of.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_container_key_value.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_container_key_value<T>::value : return true if T is a map or hash-map (with <Key, Value> template format) container from stl, boost, Qt or QxOrm library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_container_to_pod.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_equal.h [code] | Qx::trait::has_operator_equal_equal<T>::value : return true if T provides operator==() function, T must be registered with QX_TYPE_HAS_OPERATOR_EQUAL_EQUAL(T) macro |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_ptr_base_of.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_ptr_base_of<B, D>::value : return true if B and D are pointer type and (*B) is a base class of (*D) or if B and D are same type, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_ptr_to_pod.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_ptr_to_pod<T>::value : return true if T is a pointer to a POD type (char, int, long, etc.), otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qt_hash.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qt_hash<T>::value : return true if T is a QHash<> container of Qt library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qt_linked_list.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qt_list.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qt_list<T>::value : return true if T is a QList<> container of Qt library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qt_map.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qt_map<T>::value : return true if T is a QMap<> container of Qt library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qt_multi_hash.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qt_multi_hash<T>::value : return true if T is a QMultiHash<> container of Qt library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qt_multi_map.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qt_multi_map<T>::value : return true if T is a QMultiMap<> container of Qt library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qt_scoped_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qt_scoped_ptr<T>::value : return true if T is a QScopedPointer<> smart-pointer of Qt library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qt_set.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qt_set<T>::value : return true if T is a QSet<> container of Qt library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qt_shared_data_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qt_shared_data_ptr<T>::value : return true if T is a QSharedDataPointer<> smart-pointer of Qt library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qt_shared_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qt_shared_ptr<T>::value : return true if T is a QSharedPointer<> smart-pointer of Qt library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qt_variant_compatible.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qt_variant_compatible<T>::value : return true if T can be host into a QVariant object of Qt library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qt_vector.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qt_vector<T>::value : return true if T is a QVector<> container of Qt library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qt_weak_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qt_weak_ptr<T>::value : return true if T is a QWeakPointer<> smart-pointer of Qt library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qx_collection.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qx_collection<T>::value : return true if T is a qx::QxCollection<> container of QxOrm library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qx_dao_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qx_dao_ptr<T>::value : return true if T is a qx::dao::ptr<> smart-pointer of QxOrm library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qx_pod.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qx_pod<T>::value : return true if T is a POD type and not a pointer |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_qx_registered.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_qx_registered<T>::value : return true if T is registered into QxOrm context to provide persitence (ORM), serialization and introspection features |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_smart_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_smart_ptr<T>::value : return true if T is a smart-pointer of boost, Qt or QxOrm libraries, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_smart_ptr_base_of.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_smart_ptr_base_of<B, D>::value : return true if B and D are smart-pointers of boost, Qt or QxOrm libraries and if (*B) is a base class of (*D), otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_smart_ptr_to_pod.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_smart_ptr_to_pod<T>::value : return true if T is a smart-pointer of boost, Qt or QxOrm libraries and (*T) is a POD type (char, int, long, etc.), otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_std_list.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_std_list<T>::value : return true if T is a std::list<> container of stl library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_std_map.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_std_map<T>::value : return true if T is a std::map<> container of stl library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_std_set.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_std_set<T>::value : return true if T is a std::set<> container of stl library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_std_shared_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_std_shared_ptr<T>::value : return true if T is a std::shared_ptr<> smart-pointer, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_std_unique_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_std_unique_ptr<T>::value : return true if T is a std::unique_ptr<> smart-pointer, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_std_unordered_map.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_std_unordered_map<T>::value : return true if T is a std::unordered_map<> or std::unordered_multimap<> container, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_std_unordered_set.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_std_unordered_set<T>::value : return true if T is a std::unordered_set<> or std::unordered_multiset<> container, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_std_vector.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_std_vector<T>::value : return true if T is a std::vector<> container of stl library, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_std_weak_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_std_weak_ptr<T>::value : return true if T is a std::weak_ptr<> smart-pointer, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/is_valid_primary_key.h [code] | Qx::trait::is_valid_primary_key<T>(const T & t) : return true if t can be a valid primary key to be inserted into a database, otherwise return false |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/qt_meta_object.h [code] | Qx::trait::qt_meta_object<T>::get() : if T is based on QObject class, then return QMetaObject instance of Qt introspection engine, else return NULL |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/qx_traits.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/remove_attr.h [code] | Qx::trait::remove_attr<T>::type : return a type without pointer, const, reference and/or volatile attributes |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxTraits/remove_smart_ptr.h [code] | Qx::trait::remove_smart_ptr<T>::type : return a type without smart-pointer attribute from boost, Qt or QxOrm library |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxValidator/IxValidator.h [code] | Common interface for validator engine |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxValidator/IxValidatorX.h [code] | Common interface for a list of validators |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxValidator/QxInvalidValue.h [code] | Invalid value when a property fails to pass a constraint |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxValidator/QxInvalidValueX.h [code] | List of invalid values |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxValidator/QxValidator.h [code] | Concrete class for a custom or recursive validator |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxValidator/QxValidatorError.h [code] | Define a validator error exception (for example, inserting or updating an element into database) and retrieve list of invalid values |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxValidator/QxValidatorFct.h [code] | Implementation of qx::validate<T>() function (validator engine) |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxValidator/QxValidatorX.h [code] | Concrete class for a list of validators associated to a type registered into QxOrm context |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxXml/QxXml.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxXml/QxXmlReader.h [code] | |
C:/Dev/_Perso/QxOrm/include/QxXml/QxXmlWriter.h [code] |